Zihua Liu

Zihua Liu 

Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Technologies
Department of Computer Science
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science
Peking University

CV | Github | LinkedIn

About me

Hello, My name is Zihua Liu.

I am currently pursing my master degree in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I will be graduated in December 2019.

I studied in the Department of Computer Science, School of EECS at Peking University from September 2014 to July 2018.

I will be a Software Engineering Intern at LinkedIn in summer 2019.

I worked as a Software Engineering and Natural Language Processing Intern at SHANNON.AI, whose CEO is Dr.Jiwei Li, from April to June in 2018. I participated into the development of the company's Question Answering system in financial domain.

I worked as a Research Intern in Software Analytics Group at Microsoft Research Asia, supervised by Dr.Zhouyu Fu from April 2017 to February 2018. I mainly foused on data mining and data insights areas.



Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2019 (Expected)
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems:

  • Overall GPA: 4.00/4.33

  • Involved Courses

    • 10-601: Introduction to Machine Learning
    • 11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning
    • 11-661: Language and Statistics
    • 16-720: Computer Vison
    • 15-619: Cloud Computing
    • 11-797: Question Answering

Aug. 2014 - Jul. 2018
Department of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University

Balchlor of Computer Science:

  • Overall GPA: 3.60/4.00

  • TOEFL: 106

    • Reading: 28
    • Speaking: 26
    • Listening: 26
    • Writing: 26
  • GRE: 327 + 3.0

    • Verbal: 157, 76%
    • Quantitative: 170, 97%
    • AW: 3.0, 18%


515 South Aiken Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, United States

liuzihua0911 [at] gmail.com
zihual [at] andrew.cmu.edu

